Sunday 9 August 2009

A bus stop and a grand fence

Ballarat has the best old-style bus stops, such as this one in Sturt Street, even though the council is doing its best to replace them with 'modern' green metal shelters.

When you sit in one of these elegant, old fashioned wood and plastic shelters you can really enjoy the spring plantings along the road

and the the first pink blossoms hurtling into the blue world.

Then there are the drains and gutters. I passionately love the bluestone gutters here,

and the stone bridges for pedestrians.

and the solidly monumental drains. All cut and carved out out the local
volcanic basalt.

So I love this fence being sculpted in the street to much criticism, because it is not like all the other fences and house boundaries. Which are nice enough, especially with moss to green them,

but they won't make you get up from the bus stop and cross over the road to have a really good look.

This fence is a real pleasure to walk past.

and around

although it's not finished yet.

and someone has spray painted it because it is too flamboyant and grand and different.

(Please excuse the thumb).
Fortunately it's going to be too solid to knock over, by even the most fanatical fence enforcer, so it should be around to enjoy for a while.

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