Sunday 30 October 2011


The jasmine is flowering over the side fence and I can fill the house with it. Some people find the scent of jasmine cloying, but I cannot have too much of it. Creamy and confident, it goes with the everpresent smell of new mown grass as everyone in the street tidies up ready for summer.

I've had an intense few weeks of thinking about where I want to put my energy this year and of learning new skills.

After a couple of years of just taking potshots with a huge and heavy donated camera, I finally bought myself a tiny camera from Aldi and have done a workshop with Aldona Kmiec whose evocative photos I saw at the Foto Biennale recently.

I've always loved black and white and have been experimenting madly.

I've tried a few portraits, some of which I'll keep.

I've done a lot of playing on the internet trying out things like  Flickr, Zotero,Google maps....fascinating stuff, some of it useful, but so time consuming! I can now edit a video with sound (barely), have decided NOT Facebook, found a net of interesting contacts on Twitter, but I haven't had much time for sewing or writing, let alone just walking around and looking. Time to log off, I think, and smell the jasmine.

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