Monday 8 March 2010


Today I went to the Begonia Quilters show at the the community centre at the back of one of Ballarat's central shopping complexes.
Lots of lovely colour and patterns, but here is the one quilt that was worth my trip in.

I love patchwork and quilting that reuses old fabric, I adore the special texture of handquilting. 

Not the best image but it gives a bit of a feel of this quilt.

Here are the quiltmaker's words on  her work.

Maria Cook has done everything I want to do when I make a quilt -  she's made old materials beautiful again and created a useful and comfortable object. Working with traditional patterns, she has had
a conversation with the other sewers and patternmakers who have made quilts over the centuries.

(And she's actually finished it)

1 comment:

jude said...

and she actually finished it. ha! you made me smile.