Sunday 10 October 2010

Animal blessings

We took the dogs to the Ballarat Italian Association today to be blessed. The association had a luncheon in honour of St Francis of Assissi and Father Rupert held a brief service to help us all appreciate our animal companions, and to bless the animals. Paddy and Kitty had a great time and did a  lot of barking.

Peppy the cat was not so enthusiastic.

but was blessed anyway.

Then we had a long, long lunch. The members always cook wonderful meals for club events. Since Yin joined they have had Chinese lunches as well as Italian ones. Today we had bruschetta with pesto and really good salami, lasagna - made by Ray, including the sheets of pasta - and  gelati.

It was a day of sunshine, happy children and beautiful animals.  And good conversation.


Suzanna said...

What a lovely day. It makes me a little hungry to read about the luncheon. Your dogs look so happy and eager!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Suzanna, I was just looking over your last pics and thinking how much happier I am when I have animals/ birds and living beings of all kinds around. Not necessarily in-house, just getting along with life around & about me.

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

here, i would be the cat.

Elizabeth said...

Hi grace - you wouldn't like the blessing?
Peppy was certainly a lot more cheerful after it all, when the carrier was opened a little, before he went home so I could say hello. Perhaps he was expecting a vet to appear?