Tuesday 26 May 2009

Too dry for mushrooms

We went to Creswick to see if any pine mushrooms had come up under the pine trees yet.

We have mostly found them in early May before, but it's been very dry this autumn so we waited until some rain finally fell.

It was plain that not enough rain fell to bring on the fungi, so here is a man with no saffron milk caps or slimy jacks.

But there are other pleasures in Creswick which is only quarter of an hour drive from Ballarat through some farms and forest. This is the view from one side of the main street.

On the other side there is an excellent Op Shop.

Even though I was rationed to one Op Shop this trip I still found batik material and some old blankets and a book. Even better I found more windows.

Since I was given this camera I've been collecting windows. Here are some beauties from Creswick.

If you had a chair set at this window you could look out at the pines on the hill across the road and watch for golden frilly fungi pushing up through the pine needles.

These beautiful windows were lent to me by Jo at the Elephant Patch, a textile paradise. If you sat behind these elegant curtains you could see the whole world come to Creswick for coffee and cake and haberdashery.

Not only did Jo let me borrow her front windows, she is going to teach me to embroider at one of her classes next Thursday morning. I can do good plain handsewing, but having seen some of the work in her shop I know I have to learn to do this sort of work too.

Next Thursday I'll catch the Creswick bus, have a cup of coffee and stroll up here to the Elephant Patch to play with threads and needles. I can hardly wait.

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