Saturday 21 November 2009

Rain report

First there was fog and we drove very slowly along Mt Helen's twisty roads, off to Buninyong farmer's Market. At 9 am it was still dark in Buninyong, a hopeful darkness after all the blazing blue mornings of the last parched fortnight.
Look how the little banners glow under that grey sky.

Yin and Paddy set off after sausages from the sausage stall.  We ate locally-made chunky pork sausages flavoured with fennel and pepper. Paddy had an ordinary beef snag of the scout-fundraiser kind. We don't take Kitty dog to the market, she doesn't like noise and bustle much, but Paddy adores the fun.

 I bought bread and eggs and gooseberry jam . There wasn't much fruit or veg - don't know if the early hot weather has knocked out some of the small local organic growers, but they weren't at the market today.

We sat in the car and ate our sausages. The mist darkened.

Then it rained, and if you peer you can see the the tiny drops on the car's front window.

Real rain fell in the afternoon. Ballarat is soaked!

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